Monday, December 16, 2013

A good story...

I met a lady named Christina and her son Jordan about two weeks ago in the clinic.  Jordan has four other brothers.  Two older, a twin, and one younger.  He and his twin were born with sickle-cell-anemia.  Several years ago, while in the middle of a divorce, she and her husband found out they were expecting a baby.  In addition, they were told the baby would not survive due to a growth that was pushing on his internal organs.  Though advised to terminate the pregnancy, they chose to continue carrying this life.  They proceeded to give birth to their fifth son and arranged to have his cord blood saved in order to treat the twins' disease.  They were heartbroken to learn that the cord blood was accidentally disposed of after the baby's birth.  Fast forward a few years, Jordan sat before me having recently undergone a bone marrow transfusion.  Neither of the twins' older brothers were able to serve as donors, but their younger brother was found to be a perfect match and was able to give both of his brothers a chance to be cured by donating bone marrow.  To hear Christina tell their story was such a joy as light was seriously shooting out from her face.  Jordan, though at an age where he might want to appear "cool", was misty eyed and nodding enthusiastically as we talked.  Their marriage was restored and they have five healthy sons.  Praise God certainly for their healing, but also for His faithfulness to use their circumstances for His glory.

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