Sunday, November 24, 2013

A day in the life... and musing from a mommy.

Artist at work.
Josiah is being such a trooper!  He only seems to deal with nausea a day or so after his chemo treatment.  He is always fatigued.  He sleeps more than usual, but is just not very physically active.  He walks some, but rides in the stroller on longer adventures.  He has headaches and body pain and we are so thankful that he is able to communicate how he is feeling.  A typical day includes lots of resting on the couch, a walk/stroller ride with Stella around the neighborhood, time spent with books, play dough, animals, puzzles, coloring, and Mr. Roger's neighborhood.  :)  He also has strong food preferences that remind Aaron of living with a pregnant wife.  A typical week has included a date with Ms. Linda at home while the family attends life group, one chemo treatment day, and a morning at the zoo.

I recently took Mary to Verrado High School's production of "Annie".  This was her first live musical and we both had a great time.  She absolutely cracked me up afterward with her very convincing impression of Mrs. Hannigan!  She should have a wonderful time in her theatre club in the spring.  We also attended a baby shower this weekend and tried sock rollers in her hair last night.  She has been parading around with a head full of curls this morning rivaling "Annie" herself!

Girl time!

Stella cruising, but not walking yet.

That's it for my "how we are doing" update.  From here on are just "Sarah's musings" :)  Sharing on this blog has helped me to process my thoughts and it is my hope that it benefits others as well.

A big theme in my walk with God right now has been "same principles still apply."  What a relief to know that although our circumstances have changed, the principles that we live by are just as relevant in every season.  Here is a snapshot of things that just don't change.
  • Relationships are a priority.  Pursuing unity within our church, within our family and within our marriage is important. 
  • Asking "What does it mean to be faithful today?"  Same question.  Different answers.  Everyday.
  • Put the needs of others before your own.  Even when your needs seem high, it is good for the heart to focus on the needs of others.
  • Trusting that God is in control and engaged in every detail of our lives for His purposes.
  • Having gratitude IN every circumstance (not FOR every circumstance).  How we view our circumstances is always a matter of perspective.  Whatever is going on, whether a paper cut or the death of a loved one, a person's "mountain" is a big deal to them.  We all need love and kindness.
Speaking of love and kindness, I have been so thankful for the ways people have helped me lately.  A few have helped me "think" by writing things down when I was was too scatter brained.  Some have helped me pray by praying with me.  Many have helped me be available to my family by watching kids and taking on domestic tasks.  Others have helped with practical gifts and things to keep Josiah occupied during his down time.  Last but not least, many have helped remind us that we are loved and not alone.  I have received so many thoughtful messages on the phone, computer, and in person.  I want to express how grateful I am for each note, message and e-mail.  Thank you! 

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