Monday, November 11, 2013

Thanksgiving Season

Josiah was very brave today during his first drip to the clinic.  He was asleep and Aaron was with him during his first treatment in the hospital, so administering chemo through his port was new to both of us.  His counts were good overall with the exception of some anemia, but not enough to warrant a transfusion.  He has been having some headaches, nausea, decreased appetite, and is getting a little stir crazy, but still usually a happy little man.

We also found out that although the preliminary report on the bone marrow came back clear, the results from the complete analysis showed some cancer cells.  This will not affect his treatment plan, but does give us reason to be grateful for the detection of his lymphoma before it had even more time to spread.

I had thought that these weekly treatments would stretch to monthly treatments after the first few weeks of induction, but was told today to expect weekly appointments for about 8-9 months.  This really caught me off guard and I'm still processing the implications of this news.  I recently talked with another mother whose daughter has been in the hospital since February.  Stories like this keep reminding me that no matter what is going on, it could always be worse and there are always reasons to be thankful.  I don't want to minimize or magnify what Josiah is going through, but rather keep a healthy perspective.

On that note, I am so thankful for the truth and encouragement from scripture that has helped keep my head on straight these last couple of weeks.  I am also grateful for the prayers of friends, family, and even strangers.  While driving the other day, I was so humbled and encouraged by the awareness that so many people are praying for Josiah and our family.  May your faith be strengthened too as you join us on this journey!

Josiah's day concluded with a spinal tap with chemo and his doctor called tonight to let us know that his CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) was still clear of cancer cells.  As Mary didn't have school and Aaron was back to work, the girls got to spend the day with friends and had a great time.  We came home to a house sprinkled with thoughtful little surprises (like dino nuggets in the freezer!) that made us all feel so loved.  Note to self:  When you world gets rocked, give your house keys to friends.  THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Your little Josiah sounds like a great person! And is handling all of this with strength and grace. I'd love to hear what Scripture has been speaking to you recently. Praying for you!
