Monday, November 4, 2013

Birthday Boy

Mr. T here
Thank you to all who have extended birthday wishes to our special little man who turned 4 years old today. We have been blown away with the showing of love and support.
At 4:23pm Josiah received his first full-fledged chemo treatment. He was asleep as the nurses delivered it through a direct push into the medicine button (being administered by nurse Sherri on the left).  He never knew it happened.

The side effects vary widely in their timing and intensity, but I'm blessed to report that 4 hours later he was in high birthday spirits (picture below) and as we turn out the lights is still exchanging witty banter with the nurses.

As an aside, I've a new appreciation for medical professionals faced with tough tasks that really suck. After nurse Sherri informed me that his chemo meds had arrived on our floor, she explained the protocol for administering the different medications. During the explanation, there was an unmistakable sadness in her eyes. I can only speculate what was behind it, but I think her time as a nurse on this wing of the hospital has allowed her to see first hand the effects of what she was about to put into my son's body. She's been our nurse for at least 2 shifts, giving her 24 hours to get to know one of the most amazing little boys our creator has blessed his creation with. I think if she had a magic nurse wand, she would fix Josiah without making him sick. Without that wand, however, she knows the only way to really heal his body is to temporarily wreck it. I think I'd wear a "Cancer Sucks" button if I had her job too.


  1. Sarah, I'm Carrie's mom from Colby and she told me about your son's health issues. I wanted to let you know that I'm going to pray for all of you as you meet each day head-on. Let God fill you with strength and may you feel all the prayers being said so that you can continue to fight this. I thank you for posting the daily updates so many, many people can send prayers your way.

    May God bless you all and keep you within his loving arms, filling you with strength while helping to you see joy and blessings every minute of every day.


  2. Give Little Joe a big kiss from Grandpa Bob!

  3. What a gift that he had a good birthday!

  4. Stacy Armstrong MontgomeryNovember 06, 2013

    Aaron, not sure you will remember me, but I took care of you and Ben one summer years ago. You were maybe 7 or so. I have stayed in touch with your mom all these years. Just know your family has more prayers being sent up than you can imagine. Wishing peace and healing for your sweet boy.
