Friday, November 8, 2013

He's home!

A picture is worth a thousand words and this shirt says the rest!  Look out world, he's back.

Josiah is doing well.  He is taking his medicine like a champ and in good spirits.  He has still been tired, but did take a short bike ride today.  Since having his tubes and adenoids removed, his voice has been clearer, his hearing has improved, and he can now breath easily through his nose!  Since his first chemo treatment, his neck is already noticeable smaller!

He is drinking half almond milk and half breast milk flavored with chocolate Ovaltine.  At a friend's suggestion, we looked into the use of breastmilk for cancer patients.  There is not a lot of scientific research about it, but the general consensus is that it won't hurt and should help boost his immune system.  The oncologist had reservations at first, but once he realized my milk was an option rather than banked milk he was very supportive.  I praise God for his perfect timing.  We received Josiah's diagnosis on Stella's first birthday.  Being one, we have switched her to store bought milk and rather than weening her, I have been able to maintain my supply and pump milk for Josiah.

Back to the photo...did you notice the hospital pants?  We found that if you squint in low light they look remarkably like a light reddish K-State purple.

So how is everyone else doing?  Getting flu shots, feeling rested, and eating well in a clean home thanks to an amazing army of friends and church family.  Stella is sporting her first pair of shoes and thinking about walking more every day.  Mary is doing great in school and having good dialog with mom and dad about all that is going on.  Aaron goes back to work Monday, but is holding off traveling for now.  Sarah is looking forward to a visit from her friend Carmen, from Kansas this weekend.  This trip was planned months ago and couldn't have been better timed.  We have so much to be thankful for!


  1. Praise God for His perfect timing and love! Continuing to pray for healing for all.. Thanks for the update, makes my heart happy... -The Browns

  2. wow! awesome to hear the great news that he is doing alright;) looks like all our prayers are working. thx for the update keep them coming.
